Product Information


Butyldiglycol (CAS Number: 112-34-5) Supplier in Europe

Physical Details and Properties

Butyldiglycol, also known as Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether, is an organic solvent with the chemical formula C₈H₁₈O₃ and a molecular weight of 162.23 g/mol. It appears as a clear, colorless liquid with a mild odor and is soluble in water and most organic solvents.

Production Methods

At SoleChem Chemicals, we ensure a reliable supply of high-quality Butyldiglycol. It is produced through the reaction of ethylene oxide with n-butanol.

Industrial Applications

Butyldiglycol finds diverse applications in various industries across Europe. Let’s explore some of its key uses:

  1. Paints and Coatings: Butyldiglycol is commonly used as a solvent in paints, coatings, and varnishes.
  2. Cleaning Products: It is employed in cleaning products as a solvent and coupling agent.
  3. Personal Care Products: Butyldiglycol is used in personal care products such as cosmetics and skin creams.

Safety Information

Butyldiglycol should be handled carefully, and proper safety precautions must be followed during handling and usage.

Choose SoleChem Chemicals as your trusted supplier of high-quality Butyldiglycol in Europe. We provide a consistent and reliable supply to meet the diverse needs of various industries. Contact us today for all your Butyldiglycol requirements.