Product Information

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Chloride (CAS Number: 12125-02-9) Supplier in Europe

Physical Details and Properties

Ammonium chloride is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NH₄Cl and a molecular weight of 53.49 g/mol. It appears as a white crystalline powder or granules. Ammonium chloride is highly soluble in water and has a salty taste. It is odorless and non-toxic.

Production Methods

At SoleChem Chemicals, we ensure a reliable supply of high-quality ammonium chloride. It is primarily produced by the reaction of ammonia gas with hydrochloric acid. The reaction results in the formation of ammonium chloride, which can be further processed and purified.

Industrial Applications

Ammonium chloride finds diverse applications in various industries across Europe. Let’s explore some of its key uses:

  1. Agriculture and Fertilizers: Ammonium chloride is commonly used as a nitrogen source in fertilizers. It provides essential nutrients to plants and promotes healthy growth. Ammonium chloride is also utilized in hydroponic systems and as a pH regulator in soil.

  2. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry: Ammonium chloride is employed in various chemical and pharmaceutical processes. It serves as an ingredient in laboratory reagents, pH buffers, and electrolytes. Ammonium chloride is also used to synthesize dyes, resins, and pharmaceutical compounds.

  3. Metal Surface Treatment: Ammonium chloride is used in metal surface treatment processes, such as galvanizing and soldering. It helps to remove oxide layers, flux residues, and impurities from metal surfaces, ensuring proper adhesion and quality of coatings.

  4. Textile Industry: Ammonium chloride is utilized in the textile industry for dyeing and printing processes. It helps to fix dyes to fabrics and improve colorfastness. Ammonium chloride is also employed as an antistatic agent in textile fibers.

Safety Information

When handling ammonium chloride, it is important to follow proper safety precautions:

  1. Handling and Storage: Store ammonium chloride in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and incompatible substances. Use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, when handling the chemical.

  2. Health Hazards: Ammonium chloride is generally considered safe for normal handling and usage. However, prolonged exposure to dust or inhalation of fine particles may cause respiratory irritation. In case of contact or irritation, seek medical attention.

  3. Environmental Impact: Ammonium chloride may impact soil and water quality. Dispose of ammonium chloride in accordance with local regulations and guidelines.

Choose SoleChem Chemicals as your trusted supplier of high-quality ammonium chloride in Europe. We offer a consistent and reliable supply to meet the diverse needs of various industries. Contact us today for all your ammonium chloride supply requirements.